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New Entrance for AA

AAschool commons redesign project   

case study / OCT 2018

AA school common space redesign

Started with looking at current common spaces in AA. Since AA school building is renovated housing building, those studios and lecture halls are not designed for the school from the beginning.


This is what makes AA's commons spaces interesting. Apart from other university buildings, commons in AA scattered around the whole building, in small scales and also easily changes according to studio arrangements.

The collage drawing shows how those little commons are connected. from the main 36 Bedford square entrance to the reception, members room, bar and the terrace. Then i realised that the canteen  in basement which is also one of the biggest and main common space where students and tutors are hang out is some how quite isolated.

Also the entire school is hiding behind the facades not really encouraging the encounter of students and public of the city.

So I pull up the corner of bedford square to create a new entrance which is more inviting public straight into the basement.

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